I"m A Dirty Girl Headline Animator

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Fruit Salad, Yummy Yummy

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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Toys for Dirty Girls and Their Dirty Boys

Adam and Eve has a special sale offering up to 80% off select items (and yes, of course your dirty girl has the link for you, you naughty girls out there!)

So, head on over to the website. And if you are looking for something special but you're shy 'cause it's your first time (the first time is always awkward, isn't it?)
Click Here for some ideas:

And tell them Dirty Girl sent you!

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Old-Fashioned Dirty Girl

"I was first drawn to the esthetic of burlesque, the corsets and the outfits," says Penny Ashton, who refers to herself as "New Zealand's favourite dirty girl" in her press releases. Her burlesque show about the history of the sex industry, Hot Pink Bits, was the second-best-selling performance at the Saskatoon Fringe and a hit in Winnipeg. "I love the reinventing of music. I can ponce around onstage, or I should say gracefully wander about the stage in an alluring fashion."

Only the second-best? Tsk, tsk. Learn more about sexy dirty dirl Penny Ashton, here. As reporter Todd Babiak says, "It's far sexier, and far more engaging, to be teased by a smart, corseted woman than to watch someone pull her G-string off and gyrate numbly to a Justin Timberlake song."

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Friday, August 17, 2007


Summer time, and the livin' is easy. And so am I. ;) But it's too damn hot today. And with the weekend coming up, what's a girl to do to cool off and chill out? Luckily, Salon has the answer.

See, I loves me my cold iced tea. And over at Salon.com, they held a contest for the best user-created cocktail. And the grand prize winner? The perfect iced tea mix, just in time for sultry August. Caffeine and alcohol in one? I'm in heaven! Here's the recipe:

Iced Tea Classic

1 to 2 parts Earl Grey-infused vodka
2 parts lemon soda
a sprig of mint
a thinly sliced lemon
a splash of simple syrup

To make Earl Grey-infused vodka: For a 750 ml bottle, steep 4 tea bags for four to five hours.

To construct cocktail: Fill a tall glass with ice. Pour one to two parts vodka (depending on how strong you like it) over ice. Add two parts lemon soda as a mixer. (Folks who like their iced tea sweet may want to add a splash of simple syrup). Add a sprig of crushed mint and one or two thinly sliced rounds of lemon as a garnish.

It looks lovely.

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Superbad weekend

This weekend, Stan and Evie and Rod and I are making a night of it at the movies, and going out to see Superbad. I kinda wish, honestly, I had a date, because from what I've heard it should be a great date-night kinda movie.

But it should still be great with the gang, because no one snarks better than Stan when he's at the top of his game, and he just broke up with his latest boy toy (he hates it when I call them that, but hey, I call 'em as I see 'em). And Evie and Rod are always fun, so I'm not griping.

Except I really am griping. But just a little bit, and I have a good reason.

I was supposed to go see Superbad with T, who by the way has been running so hot and cold lately I have no friggin' idea where he is from one day to the next. He called me up on Monday, asks me out for Friday, and I say okay.

And then out of nowhere, on Wednesday, he calls to say he can't make it. So I'm like WTF, because it was all his idea in the first place, and I could have made other plans. But he really did have a good excuse, because it turns out he has to work late. They're bringing up the new network at his work and he's the head geek, so he has to be there when everyone panics because they don't understand the new system.

Now, Evie has been on me lately about the way I interact with men. She says I pal around too much, which might be true, because while I have no trouble attracting guys, we don't usually end up in a committed relationship, you know? And Evie says that if I am really easy-going with men, they will start taking me for granted, so I need to let them know that if they play games or leave me hanging even once, that's it.

So, now, she thinks I should dump T. But like I said, this time he had a valid excuse. Not to mention that I don't even know if I have T enough to dump him, because if you asked me right now if I were his girlfriend, I wouldn't even know how to answer!

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Monday, August 6, 2007

And Dirty Girls down on the farm

No sexy scandal here, just all-natural (like me) organic goodness in the form of Dirty Girl Produce.

But hey, did you ever hear that joke about the Farmer's Daughter and the Travelling Salesman...

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Dirty Girls--on the news

Telemundo "dirty girl" Mirthala Salinas has been suspended for two months without pay, but not fired, after reporting on the mayor of LA's marital problems. She conveniently left out the part where she slept with him, which may have added to the marital discord just a bit, don't you think?

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's take? "I regret that decisions I have made in my personal life have been a distraction for the city."

If you want more on this dirty girl story, check out the CBS News story.

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Saturday, August 4, 2007

I'm Not Alone

After having my heart broken--well, okay, maybe just bruised--by Boris, my own internet blast-from-the-past beau, I had a good laugh when I saw this account of another net hook-up gone bad. Of course, if you asked the guy, it was a love match from day one. Seriously, this guy had problems ("mind if I take a nap?!").

Can't believe she gave him her phone number and home address! Was I ever that naive?

Remember, girls, rule number one of internet dating: when you do meet him for the first time, pick a nice public place, no matter how hot and heavy those emails flew! Have you even seen those lying low-lifes on Dateline who are thirty-five but pretending they're teens?!

Anyway, check out the funny cautionary net tale over at 'Twas Brillig, complete with waffles!

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