You always knew they were creepy and scary and completely unfunny. But now, it turns out that one of those white-faced weirdos that gave you nightmares as a kid is facing charges for child pornography, too.
An Illinois man, known as "Klutzo the Christian Clown" was taken into custody on Wednesday, after baggage-checking agents found pics of naked Filipino boys in his luggage during a routine bag check in San Fran airport.
Whee! Just in time for Halloween! Might want to re-think those clown costumes.
In his defense, "Klutzo" says of the nude pics, "That's the way they live." However, three boys from the "House of Joy" orphanage in the Philippines claim they woke up on at least one occasion to find Klutzo fondling them. Dirty Girl found the photo above, showing some of the orphans the way they ought to be seen--as normal, happy kids. With clothes on.
Amon Paul Carlock, aka Klutzo, an Illinois performer who describes himself as a "Christian Clown," performs at parties and Vacation Bible schools. Carlock recently filmed a promotional video for the Filipino House of Joy Orphanage entitled (prepare yourself for the sickest pun imaginable), "Klutzo in the Philippines."
Eww. Ick.
Posting at a missionary outreach internet site, Klutzo wrote enthusiastically about volunteering overseas and, "Doing any tasks that I am capable of doing." According to the clown, "Wife cannot come due to work."
I don't even want to go there. It's just too sleazy.
You can check out the promotional video and more sordid details over at The Smoking Gun website, which broke the story.
Update: Tom Tomorrow over at This Modern World reveals that Klutzo served more than 20 years in law enforcement, has been a Big Brother and youth counselor, is an ordained minister for the Church of Nazarene and once complained about a newspaper cartoon containing, "Too much smut."
I"m A Dirty Girl Headline Animator
Friday, October 12, 2007
Dirty, Dirty Clown
Posted by Colby and Cheddar at 1:34 PM 1 comments
Labels: child pornography charges against clown, christian clown, clown, filipinos, Klutzo the Christian clown, pedophile, phillipines, phillipines orphanage
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Hey, You're just a kid!
Austin's Pic of Kim Kardashian
Pint-size paparazzi. Teen stalkers. Children behind cameras.
No matter how you slice it, it just doesn't sound right. What are two teenage boys doing out late at night, hanging at hot spots they are too young to enter and casing celebs' homes for a glimpse of a famous face, in the hopes of getting that one-of-a-kind shot?
But no matter how you feel about it, Austin Visschedyk (14) and his friend Blaine Hewison (15) keep snapping away, capturing the celebs in candid shots that some say rival their older, more experienced competitors behind the lens.
More on the teens and their parents' views on what the boys are doing in the NY Times story.
Posted by Colby and Cheddar at 12:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: austin visschedyk, blaine hewison, celebrities, kim kardashian, paparazzi, teen paparazzi, teens
Friday, September 21, 2007
Flaky Girl
Star Simpson recently attempted to go through security at Boston's Logan Airport with a homemade contraption strapped to her chest that looks, you know, nothing like a bomb. Except for the lights, and the wires and the putty. And surprise, surprise, Logan's security pulled her aside and Simpson was arrested, thus keeping the rest of the world safe from flaky girls who can't wait for their fifteen minutes of fame.
Much has been made of the Logan guards over-reacting, and I'm not denying their behavior was over-the-top. This crazy device attached to her shirt is hardly plutonium.
But I'm not buying that this contraption was some kind of project Simpson was working on for school, or a personal foray into the world of "art", either.
Look, when a girl goes by the name of "Star" and posts on her own blog that she enjoys "saving the world from evil villains" and has "crazy ideas," she certainly sounds like the type of flaky girl who is capable of pulling a crazy stunt merely for attention.
And when you factor in that Ms. Simpson is a student in good standing in the computer science program at the hallowed halls of MIT, it's hard to believe she is so clueless that she really had no idea a stunt like this could get her arrested.
Please, Flaky Simpson girl, don't waste our time with this ridiculous attention-whore behavior. We need our security guards and policeman for real crisis situations, like tasering guys at Kerry speeches.
If you really want our attention, do it the old-fashioned way: become a party girl, dump some deadbeat wannabe, flash your crotch at photographers and head for an over-night in rehab.
Posted by Colby and Cheddar at 5:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: airport fake bomb, boston fake bomb, fake bomb, flaky girl, logan airport, party girl, publicity stunt, star simpson
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
WTF was THAT? Britney, the ultimate dirty girl, flops at MTV Awards
I'm not going to make fun of her figure, first of all, so let's just get past that. The woman has had two babies. You can't expect the rock-hard abs and steel buns to last forever. She actually looked better than I expected, hair extensions and all. Of course, she made a ridiculous costume choice, eschewing the cute flippy skirts for a skin-tight sparkly bikini, but I could have gotten past that.
But, OMG, what in the world was Britney thinking? Appearing on the MTV Music Video Awards show in that sparkly bikini, for what was supposed to be a "big comeback", shuffling her feet like a zombie in slow motion, lip-synching worse than an Asian tourist on karaoke night in a country western bar--did she really think that performance would cut it? She might as well have been sleepwalking for all the animation and excitement she projected. In a word? Sad.
Britney, honey, take some advice: get rid of whatever toadying sycophants have convinced you you're famous enough to get away with that kind of crap, drop the booze and partying, take some parenting courses, find a life coach and GROW UP already!
AP pic
Posted by Colby and Cheddar at 10:18 AM 1 comments
Labels: Britney, britney spears, Britney Spears bikini, britney spears on MTV award show, MTV, MTV video music awards
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Dirty Girl, Get Off Our Plane!
Seriously, does this look like the pic of a Dirty Girl to you? Nah, me either. Granted, the white skirt is short and the tank was probably pulled down a little lower to show off the girls when a Southwest flight attendant pulled Kyla Ebbert off to the side and threatened to remove her from the flight. Kyla pleaded her case and was allowed to fly, but the Hooters waitress says she was so embarrassed by being taken aside and lectured on "appropriate" clothing (the male flight attendant actually suggested she go home and change clothes, or even buy something else to wear for her flight!) that she covered her lap with a blanket on her trip. Kyla was on her way to see her doctor when all this occurred.
Okay, now, I've seen skanky girls before, but this isn't one of them. First of all, she's blonde and attractive, and that always helps. But, come on, white is the color of purity and innocence. If they were going to go after anyone on the flight, I have some better suggestions:
How about the screaming, seat-kicking child and his parents (who always sit in the row in front of me)?
Or the frumpy old lady with bad hearing who shouts to her seatmate about embarrassing feminine health issues in gory detail throughout the whole flight?
I could do without the intoxicated businessman who thinks he is God's gift to women and won't stop hitting on me, too.
And what about that very large man in the loud shirt and Bermuda shorts who can't stop sweating and doesn't believe in wearing deodorant? Or his Reubenesque wife, who honestly thinks bright turquoise spandex pants flatter her ample derriere?
Or, for that matter, maybe we could throw interfering, fashion police Southwest Airlines flight attendants off the plane.
Posted by Colby and Cheddar at 12:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: appropriate clothing, fashion police, Hooters waitress, minis skirt and tank top, southwest airlines flight attendant, southwest flight girl inappropriate
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Fruit Salad, Yummy Yummy
Posted by Colby and Cheddar at 4:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: fruit, fruit video, sexy, video
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Toys for Dirty Girls and Their Dirty Boys
Adam and Eve has a special sale offering up to 80% off select items (and yes, of course your dirty girl has the link for you, you naughty girls out there!)
So, head on over to the website. And if you are looking for something special but you're shy 'cause it's your first time (the first time is always awkward, isn't it?)
Click Here for some ideas:
And tell them Dirty Girl sent you!
Posted by Colby and Cheddar at 2:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: adam and eve, coupon, discount, offer, toys
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Old-Fashioned Dirty Girl
"I was first drawn to the esthetic of burlesque, the corsets and the outfits," says Penny Ashton, who refers to herself as "New Zealand's favourite dirty girl" in her press releases. Her burlesque show about the history of the sex industry, Hot Pink Bits, was the second-best-selling performance at the Saskatoon Fringe and a hit in Winnipeg. "I love the reinventing of music. I can ponce around onstage, or I should say gracefully wander about the stage in an alluring fashion."
Only the second-best? Tsk, tsk. Learn more about sexy dirty dirl Penny Ashton, here. As reporter Todd Babiak says, "It's far sexier, and far more engaging, to be teased by a smart, corseted woman than to watch someone pull her G-string off and gyrate numbly to a Justin Timberlake song."
Posted by Colby and Cheddar at 1:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: burlesque, canada, edmonton, penny ashton
Friday, August 17, 2007
Summer time, and the livin' is easy. And so am I. ;) But it's too damn hot today. And with the weekend coming up, what's a girl to do to cool off and chill out? Luckily, Salon has the answer.
See, I loves me my cold iced tea. And over at, they held a contest for the best user-created cocktail. And the grand prize winner? The perfect iced tea mix, just in time for sultry August. Caffeine and alcohol in one? I'm in heaven! Here's the recipe:
Iced Tea Classic
1 to 2 parts Earl Grey-infused vodka
2 parts lemon soda
a sprig of mint
a thinly sliced lemon
a splash of simple syrup
To make Earl Grey-infused vodka: For a 750 ml bottle, steep 4 tea bags for four to five hours.
To construct cocktail: Fill a tall glass with ice. Pour one to two parts vodka (depending on how strong you like it) over ice. Add two parts lemon soda as a mixer. (Folks who like their iced tea sweet may want to add a splash of simple syrup). Add a sprig of crushed mint and one or two thinly sliced rounds of lemon as a garnish.
It looks lovely.
Posted by Colby and Cheddar at 5:26 PM 0 comments
Superbad weekend
This weekend, Stan and Evie and Rod and I are making a night of it at the movies, and going out to see Superbad. I kinda wish, honestly, I had a date, because from what I've heard it should be a great date-night kinda movie.
But it should still be great with the gang, because no one snarks better than Stan when he's at the top of his game, and he just broke up with his latest boy toy (he hates it when I call them that, but hey, I call 'em as I see 'em). And Evie and Rod are always fun, so I'm not griping.
Except I really am griping. But just a little bit, and I have a good reason.
I was supposed to go see Superbad with T, who by the way has been running so hot and cold lately I have no friggin' idea where he is from one day to the next. He called me up on Monday, asks me out for Friday, and I say okay.
And then out of nowhere, on Wednesday, he calls to say he can't make it. So I'm like WTF, because it was all his idea in the first place, and I could have made other plans. But he really did have a good excuse, because it turns out he has to work late. They're bringing up the new network at his work and he's the head geek, so he has to be there when everyone panics because they don't understand the new system.
Now, Evie has been on me lately about the way I interact with men. She says I pal around too much, which might be true, because while I have no trouble attracting guys, we don't usually end up in a committed relationship, you know? And Evie says that if I am really easy-going with men, they will start taking me for granted, so I need to let them know that if they play games or leave me hanging even once, that's it.
So, now, she thinks I should dump T. But like I said, this time he had a valid excuse. Not to mention that I don't even know if I have T enough to dump him, because if you asked me right now if I were his girlfriend, I wouldn't even know how to answer!
Posted by Colby and Cheddar at 9:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: date night, girlfriend, movies with the gang, relationships, respect, Superbad
Monday, August 6, 2007
And Dirty Girls down on the farm
No sexy scandal here, just all-natural (like me) organic goodness in the form of Dirty Girl Produce.
But hey, did you ever hear that joke about the Farmer's Daughter and the Travelling Salesman...
Posted by Colby and Cheddar at 9:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: dirty girl produce, farm
Dirty Girls--on the news
Telemundo "dirty girl" Mirthala Salinas has been suspended for two months without pay, but not fired, after reporting on the mayor of LA's marital problems. She conveniently left out the part where she slept with him, which may have added to the marital discord just a bit, don't you think?
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's take? "I regret that decisions I have made in my personal life have been a distraction for the city."
If you want more on this dirty girl story, check out the CBS News story.
Posted by Colby and Cheddar at 9:36 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 4, 2007
I'm Not Alone
After having my heart broken--well, okay, maybe just bruised--by Boris, my own internet blast-from-the-past beau, I had a good laugh when I saw this account of another net hook-up gone bad. Of course, if you asked the guy, it was a love match from day one. Seriously, this guy had problems ("mind if I take a nap?!").
Can't believe she gave him her phone number and home address! Was I ever that naive?
Remember, girls, rule number one of internet dating: when you do meet him for the first time, pick a nice public place, no matter how hot and heavy those emails flew! Have you even seen those lying low-lifes on Dateline who are thirty-five but pretending they're teens?!
Anyway, check out the funny cautionary net tale over at 'Twas Brillig, complete with waffles!
Posted by Colby and Cheddar at 9:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: Dateline, internet dating, obsessive, twas brillig
Monday, July 30, 2007
BlogHer '07
BlogHer'07: meeting rooms filled with chicks (and even a few men), some frumpy even beyond Glamour Don't standards, others sharply attired and professionally coiffed. Fat girls, skinny girls, girls who climb on rocks.
And, beyond the chicks? Exhibitors. That's Exhibitors, not exhibitionists. And all of them, for a nice change, eager to suck up to us women. I have to say, I enjoyed my time there.
Look above, and you'll see the fantastic array of riches available to all of us. Can you say "swag" with a capital S?
Here's some of the most noticeable items, in no particular order, that caught my eye, either for their sheer usefulness, kitsch factor or just plain weirdness:
1. The BlogHer '07 backpack. Filled with a program and some heavy items (4, 15, 17, and 21) that, all on their own, made me have to check another bag.
2. Laptop Bag from AOL Body. This sweet baby's in teal, and they had a choice of neon green, as well. That was one of the things AOL Body did very right: cool laptop bag. Thumbs WAY up. Things they did wrong? See below.
3. Flash drive, courtesy of AOL Body--which gets you to their site and just about nothing else. You can't download files to this flash drive. I could understand not wanting their stuff touched, but why not let you use the extra space for your own stuff? Thumbs down. AOL Body sponsored a lunch with various "life coaches", where I might have asked about this, except that the food was in the Grand Ballroom and AOL Body's life coaches were up on the third floor. This is why they had dismal attendance for the life coaching. Who wants to take hot food up to two flights of stairs?
4. Plastic cocktail "glass" with weird red stuff inna tube. I THINK this stuff changes color when it gets cold?
5. One of the cooler items: an apron from OOPS. You can't see this, but it says "Voluptuous Beauty" on the center. 'Nuff said. Thumbs up.
6. T-shirt from "". Eh.
7. frisbee. Next time I get a dog, this will come in handy.
8. Bizarre CD from Hakia, based on actual searches. "Dear Mr. Jefferson" is okay, but the rest, frankly, sucks. Thumbs down. Too bad. The Hakia guy was hot.
9. Green Tea set from inside the BlogHer bag. This was cool, but liquidy, so I had to check my luggage. Bath stuff, and a tealight candle, and a Pillow Spray to make your pillow smell sweet! Thumbs up.
10. Strange, but great, idea. FlavorIts to make medicine taste better. Good for little kids or wimps, they come in watermelon, orange, grape, etc. These things smell incredible from a room away, I swear.
11. Curves cereal. Why not? It looks healthy, but I'm hoping it doesn't taste the same.
12. You can't see this. Damn, I fail in pic-taking. Anyway, according to this group known as "", 1 in 10 kids is abusing cough syrup, and 1 in 4 teens knows someone who is abusing even if they aren't. Wow, who knew?
13. PayPerPost T-shirt folded up into a tissue-size, for the added cool factor. Not nearly as cool as the HUGE PayPerPost pen underneath it, though! Thumbs up.
14. "IT Girl's Guide to Becoming a Web Goddess" mirror. I haven't read this guide, but the mirror's a nice purse size.
15. Beats for Bloggers CD. Actually, most of the songs are about working, but it's by jobomatic, so no wonder.
16. Bagette bag. This one's from a community known as Maya's Moms, full of great, fun women who also have kids.
17. Butterball potholder from, yes, the turkey people. You know what else they had? Scratch-n-Sniff pumpkin pie stickers! Thumbs up.
18. Topix--another cool one, this is a portable ethernet cable that retracts like a tape measure. Definite thumbs up.
19. Curves granola bar with chocolate and peanuts, to go with the cereal, maybe?
20. Manicure set. Another reason to check my bag. Scissors are sharp!
21. Journal, for when there's no keyboard available.
22. Fantastic black shirt from SimplyHired. Really, the coolest ever. Front says, "Hate your job?" with the elephant pooper-scooper guy. On the back, "Love our search," and the same guy is now training the elephant. Thumbs WAY up on this one.
23. Scrapblog T-shirt. This grey one isn't much to write home about, but they had a hot pink one I really lusted over. Too bad they ran out.
24. Cube wooden puzzle to exercise your mind.
25. Magnet, "Be a Better Binary Babe!" with tips I already know. But still a cute idea.
Oh, and (I fail at pic-taking AGAIN), I forgot to number the "Get Sweaty" towel from RevolutionHealth. They had this cool little teeny tiny red bag that velcroes to your gym sneakers for your change or an extra key, too. Thumbs-up.
Posted by Colby and Cheddar at 5:19 PM 1 comments
Labels: Blogher '07 exhibitors, Blogher '07 sponsors, blogher '07 swag, cool swag
Friday, July 27, 2007
The World's Worst Parents
That's who were sitting in front of me on the plane on my way to Blogher '07 this morning.
That's right, I'm looking at you, Airtran Flight 835, Row 19. You are the worst parents I have ever seen in my life.
And it only took me two and half hours to realize it.
When your little boy first came on board, I thought he was just this cute little kid, you know, with his blond hair and brown eyes. I was prepared to like him.
But that was before the constant yelling, ("ya Ya YA YA YA YA!") and the slapping, and the kicking.
By the end of the flight, every one of your fellow passengers thought he was the spawn of Satan.
And you know what really stinks about that, parents? It's not his fault.
It's yours.
Oh, sure, when the "YA YA!"'s finally reached piercing proportions, you would turn to your boy and admonish him with a loud "Shhh!" And that would silence him, for like a minute, until he started up again.
But what did you do before then?
I'll tell you: nothing.
And this may surprise you, but I'm not talking about discipline when I say that.
This was a freakin' two and a half hour flight. And your kid was what, maybe three years old?
And what did you bring for him to do on board, huh? Nothing. Not a damn thing. No toys, no coloring book or crayons. No book for you to read to him, either, though I doubt you would have done that, because heaven knows that you were doing your best to ignore his very existence until those shrieking "YA YA!"s got into your brain, too.
Hell, I would have been bored for two and a half freakin' hours, if I had been treated to this delightful little show your son was putting on.
I bet, if I were three? I'd have "YA YA!"'ed my little heart out, too.
You sat him in the middle seat, I noticed, too, between the two of you. I might have thought it was touching, if I thought it was intended for his benefit. Like, maybe you felt he would be more comforted between you, or safer somehow.
But that couldn't have been your reasoning, since you offered no comfort.
You didn't even offer conversation for 99% of the flight.
He might have sat by the window, and passed at least a portion of the time watching the fluffy white clouds pass by.
You could have given him an aisle seat, maybe even let him stand up once or twice during the flight. You could have taken him for a walk down the aisle.
But no, any of that was just too damn much to ask of you.
You know when you did pay attention, though? You know the 1% of the time when you actually talked to your little boy, other than to shush him?
When we landed, safe on the ground, and people stood up to file out around you.
THAT'S when you finally turned to your boy, and gushed in cooing tones, "We're on the ground now! We landed!"
Just that one moment, when all those other eyes were on you. When all the people who had heard that boy "YA YA YA YA!"'ing for the whole frickin' flight filed by, and looked curiously to see how you were handling the situation.
But me? I was right behind you the entire flight. Your little last-minute play-acting didn't fool me.
You are the worst frickin' parents on the planet.
Posted by Colby and Cheddar at 3:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: airplane, bad parenting, children running wild, no parenting, worst parents
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
So, in case you are wondering, the email didn't say much. It was mostly "Hi, what's up, just wondered how you were doing, " and then some bs about how I had been drinking last time he talked to me on the phone and because we were friends he was all worried about me.
Total bs, like I said.
J was always real good at that. We would split up, and then he would write me, and get my hopes up, and I would think we were getting back together, but then later, when I re-read it, the message was really...non-committal.
Not like I was desperate or anything, but he was my first love, you know? I really wanted to make it work it. I learned a lot from that relationship.
Like not reading an email when you are feeling really vulnerable, in case you read too much into it.
But honestly, this last message just made me pissed. Because we were friends? Come on, get real.
We can't be friends. There's just too much history.
Posted by Colby and Cheddar at 1:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: break-ups, relationships
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Happy Fourth of July, baby
Posted by Colby and Cheddar at 12:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: 4th of july, fourth of july, independence day, red white and blue, sexy cami
Saturday, June 30, 2007
He'd changed a lot. His hair was longer, and he'd put on some weight, but his eyes were every bit as piercing as they had been back then.
He had a mustache now, too, and I wondered how that would feel when he kissed me, soft and downy or scratchy like sandpaper, and once I started wondering I couldn't stop thinking about it. I wanted to grab his face between my palms, draw his lips down to mine to find out.
And the little good girl inside me whispered not to, but the bad girl beat her down into submission, and so that's just what I did, reaching up on my toes and tugging his face down hard to meet mine.
His mustache was soft, and it tickled, and just the thought of that downy softness brushing against my thighs instead made me wet.
And when I finally drew back--I had to, I needed to take a breath, draw some air into my lungs at last--the crooked grin on his face just melted me inside all over again.
"Well, hello..." he said, and we both kinda grinned, and looked down at the ground and peeked back up at each other again and damn near shuffled our feet in embarrassment, it was that kind of aw, shucks moment.
And then he just held out his hand, and I took it, and we walked for a while.
I love the night. I love the intimacy of the dark, the way even the most familiar sites change and become this strange new world under the stars.
It's like in Les Mis, when Eponine sings:
In the rain, the pavement shines like silver
All the lights
Are misty in the river
In the darkness
The trees are full of starlight...
Yeah, I know, I have it bad, don't I?
We walked a long time, just talking and catching up. I won't say it was like we had never parted, because we had our share of awkward pauses and moments of silence where each of us struggled to find something to say. But I really think most of that was just because we were so *aware* of each other, the whole time.
My fingers, curled up in his big hand, made me feel all tiny and protected, in this ultra-girly way that was just completely unlike me.
We were just holding hands as we walked, and every once in a while we would stop, and look at each other, and he would kiss me, gently, not like that first time, and then we would walk a little more.
I know, I really BELIEVE, that anticipation is part of the fun, and sometimes I kick myself for letting things go too far too fast, not enjoying that build-up, you know? But that night, I just didn't want to waste any more time.
I felt like I would explode if something didn't happen.
I took him by my old school--not my high school, but the elementary school where I played on the jungle gym like a tomboy--and we sat on an old picnic table while I reminisced.
And finally, I ran out of things to say, and I just looked at him, and I knew we were both thinking the same thing.
The planks were still damp from the evening rain, and sticky, and my dress clung to the back of my thighs, and the wood table underneath me was hard and uncomfortable when he drew me down across it. I could feel the knots in the wood underneath me, and the slats between the planks, and the table cut into my shoulders when I wrapped my thighs around him. The crickets were loud and the air was thick and the mosquitoes feasted on my ankles but it was worth it, every second was worth it all.
I would do it over again, I really would.
But today, saying good-bye over the phone? That sucked.
I wanted him to say he would be back soon, or that I should visit him next weekend, or that he had never known a woman like me before ever in his life and I had changed his world forever. Or something like that.
Instead he told me about the girl he'd been seeing, and how she was really nice but they had had some problems, and that now they were trying to work them out, and that he didn't know if they would make it in the long run but that he had to give it a shot.
He wasn't mean, or deliberately callous. We hadn't made any promises, after all, and we live, like a gazillion miles apart. To be honest, too, we had talked about her a little before...well, you know, before.
So I knew what I was getting into.
And I'm still not sorry. I'm just a little sad, and a little lonely, and feeling a little vulnerable right now.
Which is why, if you know anything AT ALL about how my luck seems to go after reading this blog for a while, you won't be a bit surprised when I tell you that I fired up my email and there was a new message in the inbox.
Yep, you guessed it this time.
It was from J.
I swear, I am living a soap opera these days.
Posted by Colby and Cheddar at 12:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: Boris and Natasha, picnic table, romance, sex, soap opera
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Rocky and Bullwinkle Ain't Got Nothing on Us
I know what you're thinking...and no, it wasn't J who called me. I'm not that easy. Quit rolling your eyes and I'll tell you all about my mystery guy.
I met him on the internet. Before MySpace and AdultFriendFinder and all those dating sites, people actually met online because they had similar interests, and sometimes they found each other quite by accident. At least, that's how I met Boris.
Of *course* Boris isn't his real name! It wasn't even, come to that, his on-screen name. We met in a forum, when he made some silly cartoon reference, and I came back with, in the best pseudo-Russian accent I could post, "Must keeell Moose an' Squirrrrrel!"
After that, everyone knew us as Boris and Natasha.
We didn't like all the same things, of course, but we both loved classic cartoons.
We debated hotly the merits of Bugs Bunny and his operatic theme score, bitterly flamed Pokemon and the like.
We split evenly on the relative quality of "Pinky and the Brain."
Okay, yes, I was the one who liked it.
What can I say? It was a big show back then.
But to be fair, he was a die-hard Animaniacs fan.
So, we both had our faults.
We did, as people do, and especially as guys and girls do when they are attracted to each other, talk about meeting up.
But he was with someone and I was already falling for J, so not much happened.
We did keep in touch, though, like long-distance lovers corresponding.
Of course, instead of love letters, our missives went on and on about the Simpsons and South Park.
When I finally did meet him, in Anaheim a couple years back during a long layover, I was floored.
I'd seen pics of him, but they didn't do him justice. I'd thought of him as sweetly nerdy, with a nice smile and friendly eyes.
In reality, those eyes were piercing, and I could tell they liked what they saw.
I'm not ashamed to say that in the two hours I had before I caught my flight back home, we had more than just a coffee or two.
Honestly, I'm amazed they didn't throw us out, we were so hot and heavy in that little bar in Anaheim.
Wonder if it's still there?
Anyway, his kisses were aMAZing.
Just close-your-eyes-and-hang-on-tight-as-you-drown fan-frickin-tastic.
And though I was just a bit disheveled, and the buttons on my blouse might have ended up a bit askew, and I think my mouth was swollen, and I know my hair was a wild bird's nest by the time we split up, gasping, well, that's as far as it all went.
He said, "You're going to miss your plane!" and I replied, with my usual stunning repartee, something along the lines of, "Gahhk?"
Then I pulled myself together, he grabbed my suitcase, and we hot-footed it to the gate.
I'd never had a one-night stand, but that day was the closest I ever came. I wanted so badly to just cancel my flight and tumble into bed with Boris somewhere, I swear I don't know how I made myself walk down that gangway onto that plane.
But that was then.
When I was still a good girl.
So--When he called me last week?--
Well, that's another post.
Posted by Colby and Cheddar at 6:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: adultfriendfinder, anaheim, boris, dating online, myspace, simpsons, south park
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
...And Back to the Bad Girl
It was bound to happen. I could only hold out for so long.
I’ve been restless all day. Checking my e-mail and phone messages constantly. Running to the mailbox like it was Christmastime and I was expecting presents. Feeling so fidgety and antsy I couldn’t sit still.
He’d only said—oh so casually--that he’d be in touch. He’d never said when, exactly.
Late that afternoon, I had a million other things going on. I was out of breath and frazzled and practically barked into the phone, something I never do.
So of course it was him on the other end, sounding bemused. I swear I could feel his smirk through the phone lines.
“Is that you?”
He brushed off my stammered apology with grace.
“I’m catching you at your work, I know. This is late notice—I’ve been scurrying all day myself—but I have some time open next week and I'll be in town. I was hoping we could get together.”
He actually did sound hopeful. Like he didn’t know all he had to do was ask. Like there weren’t sparks coming through the phone lines, up my arm, right into my ear, right now just from the sound of his voice.
Like after all this time he still couldn’t quite believe us either.
“Oh, I think we could make that happen…”
I checked the clock when we hung up. We’d been less than a minute on the phone.
Antsy to aching anticipation in under sixty seconds. Amazing.
Posted by Colby and Cheddar at 11:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: bad girl, bemused, phone call, smirk
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Look who's the Good Girl now!
I know it's been a while since I've posted. You've probably been wondering what's been going on since all that drama with J. But honestly, I've been trying so hard to tow the line, you wouldn't have wanted to read about my days, anyway. I haven't been a dirty girl at all! Squeaky clean, that's me.
I haven't even let myself think about J. And I've been deliberately keeping away from all the sexiest sites I usually visit, opting for the cerebral over the sensual.
I can't count how many times I've reloaded Metafilter.
So you can really honestly believe me when I say that I had no idea J and the slut broke up.
Though, okay, yes, I did do my happy dance when Evie told me.
Rod and J still keep in touch, and he and Evie were my lifeline back in those early days when I was struggling to get through the break-up and get on with my life.
Mostly, back then, I was fueled on rage--Evie told me that Rod told her that J took up right away with some bitch he'd been seeing behind my back while we were together, and that would keep me strong.
These days, I have to remind myself how I felt back then. It's hard to keep that kind of anger going.
And yes, I do get that he's not good for me, okay? But I'm still glad he's not with the slut. None of us, not even Rod, could stand her.
I guess, somewhere in the back of my mind, I'm hoping someday we can all hang out as friends--me with some nice new guy, maybe even T, and Rod with Evie, and J with...well, some really nice girl that can get along with the group and put up with his stuff.
Pipe dreams, huh?
Posted by Colby and Cheddar at 8:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: good girl, metafilter, relationships, slut
Thursday, May 24, 2007
I Can't Believe I Went There
I am in so much trouble. I can't believe it. What was I thinking?!
I had that great date with T, and you know, it went...well, great. And then, I don't know, I came home and I had that dream about J. And then, I saw that couple at the Starbucks, and they looked so romantic, and T was all friendly but it wasn't, you know, romantic like that.
And then Saturday, I went clubbing with Evie and Rod, which is usually great, too, but they were all lovey-dovy and I had too much to drink, and I went home (alone, damn it!) and did something really stupid.
I called J.
I know, I know! It was stupid. I was drunk, and I wasn't thinking, and he's so familiar, you know? Anyway, I just left a message on his machine, because he wasn't there, so no real harm done, right?
Okay, I left three messages. And of COURSE they got sappier each time. Which is way embarrassing.
And that's not even the worst part!
J called me back Monday (after I spent all Sunday morning throwing up and all Sunday night thinking maybe he didn't even get the messages and what would I say if he called, and THEN all day Monday thinking that he wasn't going to call after all and lulling myself into a false sense of security).
And he was so nice about the whole thing, it almost made me cry. He was all supportive and saying that sometimes he missed me too, blah blah blah. And I won't even tell you what I started thinking about then because it is too embarrassing, but anyway I stopped thinking it right away because then J lays this on me: "Oh, yeah, Slut was here when I checked the machine for messages." And, since you all don't know: Slut is his new girlfriend!
(Of course, her name isn't really Slut. But she is one.)
I could have died right then. Just curled up like a snail in its shell and died. But of course I couldn't let him know that.
So I was like, "Whatever. I had way too much to drink. It didn't mean anything. Bye."
And I hung up.
And I swear, I've felt so stupid since then, I didn't even want to write this until now.
Life sucks.
Posted by Colby and Cheddar at 6:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: drunk, ex-boyfriend, relationships suck, single
Friday, May 18, 2007
I saw the couple this morning, sitting out in the bright sunlight, drinking their coffee, and they caught my attention instantly.
Something in their postures, the way they seemed physically comfortable with each other, spoke to me.
I thought: they slept together last night.
But there was something else, some other quality, and I don't think I can put words to what it was, that also said it was the First Time, and things were still very new yet.
She was blonde--not naturally, but skillfully--and though short, a little too heavy to be called 'petite'. She was leaning into him, and their fingers touched on the tabletop. She wasn't particularly pretty, or young. Mid-thirties, forty maybe.
He was older than she was; his short, neatly-trimmed hair graying a bit on the sides. He wore sunglasses, perfectly natural in the glare of the morning sun, but worrisome--was he trying to hide something in his expression?
Just looking at them, I thought I could tell their story.
I thought of them meeting online somewhere, chatting and then emailing each other. She was still healing from a break-up, maybe, and fragile.
He pursued her online, she was flattered, they exchanged pictures.
More insistent emails followed: "I have to meet you." Chipping away at her resistance, until finally she agreed.
They set up a meeting.
Last night.
In person, he was smooth, and she was vulnerable. She let down her guard, let him in. It felt so good to let herself go for once. She wouldn't let herself worry about what would happen afterward. She'd be spontaneous.
And so they'd ended up in bed together, and she'd spent the night.
And now, here they were at Starbucks, sharing their breakfast coffee, the Morning After.
I was openly watching them now, wondering if this man was going to hurt her. Was this the moment they would part ways? Had he brought her here, a public place, to tell her they were done? We don't throw messy scenes at Starbucks.
Would he at least let her down gently?
She said something I couldn't hear and he dipped his head, listening intently. He seemed honestly engaged in this conversation.
He appeared to be in no hurry to finish his drink, get up and leave.
His left hand, relaxed around the coffee cup, came free, found hers across the table, linked fingers.
Now I was feeling conflicted. Was my initial impression the right one, or was there a connection here?
Silence, as they finished their coffees. Companionable, or awkward?
They lingered over their empty coffee cups. Neither one seemed to want to get up.
Maybe they didn't want to leave each other? Or maybe neither one wanted to be the first to say it wasn't working.
He took his hand from hers, scooted, turned his chair, his back to the sun. Reached up and took off the sunglasses now that he was out of the glare.
I thought: he will rise, gather up the coffee cups, and now they'll leave. I'll never know.
Again she spoke, and he turned, looking right at her.
From where I sat, nearby, I could see the expression on his face, the look in his eyes as she spoke, and the sudden, wide-open smile that lit up his face at her words revealed more than he knew.
It told me he genuinely liked her, which surprised me. She wasn't the type of pretty young thing most guys go for.
I liked that he looked deeper, saw something there. I liked the way he reached out again and held her hand, and the way the smile stayed in his eyes even after it had faded from his lips.
She leaned across the table then, and pecked him on the cheek.
I left the store with a spring in my step, my own smile wide as could be.
Posted by Colby and Cheddar at 9:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: coffee, starbucks, the first time
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Creamy Dreams
In high school, they kept all the sex-ed for the end of the year, in biology class, so we would run out of time. It was on the exam, so they would tell us the pages to study, but we never really went over anything in class. I think they did it because the teachers were just too embarrassed to explain anything to us.
So psychology was great, because we had a male teacher that actually talked about relationships and stuff in class (he was sleeping with a girl in my class, but I didn't know it back then). And I remember this one day in class especially, the day we were talking about "nocturnal emissions." Wet dreams.
I remember we were all listening, pretending to be bored like always but really wanting to hear every word. The guys were looking kinda red-faced and embarrassed. The girls just didn't know what to do, so we would stare down at our desks and pretend we were taking notes.
And then the teacher said something like this, "And it's not just guys that have the, uh, the erotic dream part preceding the uh...the emission. Girls can have those, too. The dream part."
Now the guys start looking up.
And I am smiling. Of course. Girls have sexual thoughts, too. Nodding. We're not robots.
"And some girls can even have the same sort of...of release of A climax."
By this point, I am nodding vigorously, big smile on my face, thinking, 'Well, yeah. Duh.'
And then I notice I am the only girl who's nodding.
And my teacher is looking at me. Not the class. Me, specifically. With an almost creepy intentness.
And the guys are looking really, really interested--in me.
I'm sure, I just know, that my face was beet red at this point.
The thing is, every since those magical years of puberty, I've had dreams like that.
Sticky, syrupy, erotic dreams.
Nameless men, back then, and fuzzy details--I was still basically an innocent.
But nowadays? They're graphic. Vivid.
They still start, always, with a kiss.
Kisses! After all I have done or fantasized, in my heart, I am still the hopeless romantic.
I think I will always grow breathless with anticipation from that sweet, initial contact: lips to lips, mouth to mouth, tremulous tonguetips timidly seeking each other out.
These days, though, the fluttering anticipation quickly transforms into super-charged, erotic suspense.
I think I must spend the entirety of my dream-world either utterly nude or in those stripper-clothes that rip right down the seams with velcro tabs.
Suspense building, in a slow spiral of mounting tension, I tumble over the sheets, roll across the floor, even sprawl over the staircase, locations and positions and yes, partners too, changing over, and over, and over yet again.
If I could keep up, in my real life, the kind of pace I exhibit (heh) in my wildest erotic dreams? No man could possibly resist me.
Finally, after simply years of this anguished pent-up tension, I feel my body drawing in upon itself, closing up, tightening into a ball.
I literally double over from the contractions of my womb.
And wake, hips writhing, as they ripple over me. Tear through me.
And only gradually, very gradually subside.
And immediately, I want it all over again.
Yeah, it's that intense.
I had one of those dreams the other night. If I could, I'm not ashamed to admit it, I would have them more often.
But they come up on me (so to speak) unawares.
And of course, T was in my dream, even though to this day I have yet to see him naked.
More disturbingly, though, J was in it, too.
I can't help what my body thinks it wants. I was with J for a long time. It's only natural it remembers.
But, oh, I wish it hadn't felt so good!
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Posted by Colby and Cheddar at 8:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: erotic dreams
Friday, May 11, 2007
Of Human Bondage
The strangest thing happened last night.
I poured myself into my little teal corset, pulled my hair back in a sloppy chignon, slipped on the stiletto black heels that make my legs look like they go on forever, and went to meet T at the bar.
In case you're wondering, yes, the wardrobe description DOES have something to do with this post, thank you very much. I don't always need to take up your time telling you how smokin' hot I am.
Ya'll should know that by now, anyway. ; )
Anyway, there we are, sitting up at the bar. I had a black blazer on over the corset, and it was warm, so I took it off and slung it over the back of my bar stool (the kinds that swivel. Don't you just love those? I always want to just dangle my feet and twirl in circles).
And T and I are deeply engrossed in that initial 'getting to know each other' talk--where are you from, what have you been doing, etc.--when this little man comes up out of nowhere.
And he says to me, "Excuse me, where did you get that corset you're wearing?"
And T turns and looks at him because obviously he was my escort, and he's thinking this man is being disrespectful. I was a little put off, myself, but I told him I had picked it up at such and such shop.
And this man--he was old enough to be my father--just started beaming.
And he says, "I thought so. It's one of mine!"
No, he wasn't a cross-dresser. Turns out he actually designed the corset I was wearing that very evening!
Isn't that bizarre?
Anyway, he gave me his business card, so I could check out his stuff. And I think T was still wondering if this was a come-on or something. But I honestly think this man was just so excited to see someone wearing one of his designs. It's like when you are a writer, and you sit down at a table and someone across the room is reading your book.
It gave us something to talk about for a while, anyway.
Posted by Colby and Cheddar at 12:17 PM 1 comments
Labels: bar, corset, sexy lingerie, stiletto heels
Thursday, May 10, 2007
J Sent Me This: Best Headline Ever
High-wire walkers in Korea are attempting to cross the river Han, over a mile wide, during the first World High Wire Championships:
Skywalkers in Korea Cross Han Solo.
Really. Best Headline Ever.
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Posted by Colby and Cheddar at 11:39 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
On the side of the road
Almost every afternoon, I drive down the congested four-lane mess that is our local version of Main Street USA, and I see Hobo Joe standing on the side of the road.
I don't really know his name, of course. Stan and I dubbed him "Hobo Joe" because he he has the requisite backpack and baseball cap, and that's about it. The whole picture suggests he doesn't have much of a home to go back to, so he keeps his stuff with him. Hobo Joe holds up a weathered cardboard sign, "will work 4 food." His face is weathered, too, like the sign. There's just no way to tell how old he really is. He's fit, like he's worked with his hands a lot, but then his face is really lined.
And then there's the bicycle. Hobo Joe has this blue bike that he leans on a culvert by his favorite pan-handling space, and that's how we know he's there. We look for the bike and when it's there, we find Joe.
It's comforting, in a way, to see him standing there, day after day. He missed a day once, but then he was back the next afternoon, and Stan and I decided he just took the day off; maybe he had enough food to tide him over. I like to think that he has his own little territory, and the other hobos know to leave that area alone. I also like to think that he stays there because the local people are kind, and they give him enough food or money that there's no need to move on.
So this morning, I drive by his regular spot, and there's no Joe. It's not his usual time, so I wasn't that worried.
Except, further down the road, where it merges into the on-ramp for the interstate, I saw his blue bike. That's not where it's supposed to be. It was just lying there on its side, alone and sad. The tires weren't flat, and I don't think anything was broken. It was just out of place, with no sign of Joe.
I hope he's okay.
Posted by Colby and Cheddar at 1:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: bicycle, hobo, will work for food