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Monday, July 30, 2007

BlogHer '07

BlogHer'07: meeting rooms filled with chicks (and even a few men), some frumpy even beyond Glamour Don't standards, others sharply attired and professionally coiffed. Fat girls, skinny girls, girls who climb on rocks.

And, beyond the chicks? Exhibitors. That's Exhibitors, not exhibitionists. And all of them, for a nice change, eager to suck up to us women. I have to say, I enjoyed my time there.

Look above, and you'll see the fantastic array of riches available to all of us. Can you say "swag" with a capital S?

Here's some of the most noticeable items, in no particular order, that caught my eye, either for their sheer usefulness, kitsch factor or just plain weirdness:

1. The BlogHer '07 backpack. Filled with a program and some heavy items (4, 15, 17, and 21) that, all on their own, made me have to check another bag.

2. Laptop Bag from AOL Body. This sweet baby's in teal, and they had a choice of neon green, as well. That was one of the things AOL Body did very right: cool laptop bag. Thumbs WAY up. Things they did wrong? See below.

3. Flash drive, courtesy of AOL Body--which gets you to their site and just about nothing else. You can't download files to this flash drive. I could understand not wanting their stuff touched, but why not let you use the extra space for your own stuff? Thumbs down. AOL Body sponsored a lunch with various "life coaches", where I might have asked about this, except that the food was in the Grand Ballroom and AOL Body's life coaches were up on the third floor. This is why they had dismal attendance for the life coaching. Who wants to take hot food up to two flights of stairs?

4. Plastic cocktail "glass" with weird red stuff inna tube. I THINK this stuff changes color when it gets cold?

5. One of the cooler items: an apron from OOPS. You can't see this, but it says "Voluptuous Beauty" on the center. 'Nuff said. Thumbs up.

6. T-shirt from "TheFind.com". Eh.

7. Care.com frisbee. Next time I get a dog, this will come in handy.

8. Bizarre CD from Hakia, based on actual searches. "Dear Mr. Jefferson" is okay, but the rest, frankly, sucks. Thumbs down. Too bad. The Hakia guy was hot.

9. Green Tea set from inside the BlogHer bag. This was cool, but liquidy, so I had to check my luggage. Bath stuff, and a tealight candle, and a Pillow Spray to make your pillow smell sweet! Thumbs up.

10. Strange, but great, idea. FlavorIts to make medicine taste better. Good for little kids or wimps, they come in watermelon, orange, grape, etc. These things smell incredible from a room away, I swear.

11. Curves cereal. Why not? It looks healthy, but I'm hoping it doesn't taste the same.

12. You can't see this. Damn, I fail in pic-taking. Anyway, according to this group known as "FiveMoms.com", 1 in 10 kids is abusing cough syrup, and 1 in 4 teens knows someone who is abusing even if they aren't. Wow, who knew?

13. PayPerPost T-shirt folded up into a tissue-size, for the added cool factor. Not nearly as cool as the HUGE PayPerPost pen underneath it, though! Thumbs up.

14. "IT Girl's Guide to Becoming a Web Goddess" mirror. I haven't read this guide, but the mirror's a nice purse size.

15. Beats for Bloggers CD. Actually, most of the songs are about working, but it's by jobomatic, so no wonder.

16. Bagette bag. This one's from a community known as Maya's Moms, full of great, fun women who also have kids.

17. Butterball potholder from, yes, the turkey people. You know what else they had? Scratch-n-Sniff pumpkin pie stickers! Thumbs up.

18. Topix--another cool one, this is a portable ethernet cable that retracts like a tape measure. Definite thumbs up.

19. Curves granola bar with chocolate and peanuts, to go with the cereal, maybe?

20. Manicure set. Another reason to check my bag. Scissors are sharp!

21. Journal, for when there's no keyboard available.

22. Fantastic black shirt from SimplyHired. Really, the coolest ever. Front says, "Hate your job?" with the elephant pooper-scooper guy. On the back, "Love our search," and the same guy is now training the elephant. Thumbs WAY up on this one.

23. Scrapblog T-shirt. This grey one isn't much to write home about, but they had a hot pink one I really lusted over. Too bad they ran out.

24. Cube wooden puzzle to exercise your mind.

25. Magnet, "Be a Better Binary Babe!" with tips I already know. But still a cute idea.

Oh, and (I fail at pic-taking AGAIN), I forgot to number the "Get Sweaty" towel from RevolutionHealth. They had this cool little teeny tiny red bag that velcroes to your gym sneakers for your change or an extra key, too. Thumbs-up.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! Loved your schwag reviews. Though I have to clarify, in fairness to AOL that the folks who came up to meet the experts--and there were a lot--had their own buffet. We agree--people falling down trying to get their stuff from the potato bar to the upper terrace: not a good thing.

Thanks for the write-up!

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